By Mrs. Vernon Doss
Staff Correspondent
Phone 2063
FORESTVILLE — Members of the Ross family of this area gathered at Mirabel Park for a weekend picnic in order to greet one of the older members of the family, Ed Ross, of San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Ross have been visiting with his brother and wife, Mrs. and Mrs. H. E. Ross, on Van Keppel Rd., and the affair gave a large number of relatives an opportunity to see their uncle and brother.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Voreis and son Ross of Lakeport, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Waage of Oakland and their daughter, Genevieve, and their 3 sons, Mrs. Ross De Gregory and daughters, Susie and Jacke, of Oakland, Mrs. Blanche Kimes and Calvin Kimes and his 3 sons, Gary Walter and Calvin Jr., all of Santa Rosa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owen and children, Rickey, Kathy and Craig, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kimes of Skagg Springs, Mrs. O. Matteoli and daughter, Jeanne, of Cloverdale, Mrs. Cornelius Van Keppel, Mrs. Clara Van Keppel, Robert Van Keppel, Lonnie Hughes, Mrs. Jessie Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiebe and son, Nickie, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt D. Bockes and daughter, Karyn.
Mary B. Ward and the H. E. Rosses of Forestville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ross of San Diego, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ross and grandson of Richmond, Ernest Ross of Courtland, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Smith and Carol and Charles of Forestville, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and son of Sebastopol, Mrs. Sadie Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walter and daughter Linda, of Angwin, Mrs. Amanda Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Davis of Ross Station Rd., Mrs. F. P. Abshire of Geyserville, Irwin Dick Ross of Forestville, Mrs. Violet Looney of Sonoma and Mrs. Mamie Fish of Petaluma.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Woggie (sic) of Oakland came up Wednesday to the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Voreis to attend the graduation of Mrs. Woggie's brother, Shirley of the C.L.U.H. on Thursday night.
A recent charivari was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Anfin Hage, nee Mildred Vories (sic), at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vories. The crowd assembled at the club house then all went to the Vories home where a pleasant evening was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Voreis of Scotts Valley were hosts at a cootie party honoring Arch Hendricks, on his birthday, at their home on Saturday night.
Cootie was played, after which refreshments were served, including a beautiful birthday cake made by Mrs. Hendricks. Red and blue crepe paper were used in decoration.
After the refreshments dancing was enjoyed by the following guests at the happy affair: Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Olie (sic) Waage and children Genevive (sic), Norman and Edward, of Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Anfin Haage (sic) and children, Janice and Avon; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Burger, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hystad, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patten, Mike Guinn, Jack Hendricks, Shirley and Richard Voreis. Fern Green was ill and unable to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Voreis of Scotts Valley last Wednesday celebrated a double occasion which mathematicians tell them occurs only once in every 133,225 marriages.
It was the anniversary of both their birthdays.
Attending a surprise party in their honor were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Weese; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis George; Mr. and Mrs. John Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Ole M. Waage Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kimball; Delores Kimball; Loretta Green of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dutcher of Upper Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bates of Ukiah; Mrs. and Mrs. Ole K. Waage Jr.; Genevieve Waage, and Norman, Edward and Robert of Oakland.
Following a buffet supper, the guests enjoyed singing and dancing to music provided by Mrs. Dutcher, Miss Waage, Miss Kimball, and Miss Green.
The engagement of Miss Geneva Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Ross of Laurel Dell, to Arthur Voreis, a prominent rancher of that vicinity, is now made public. The Ross family are pioneers of Sonoma county, and both participants are well-known and popular young people. The wedding date is said to be set for Dec. 14th.
A happy union of two popular young people was the wedding of Miss Geneva Ross to Arthur R. Voreis, which was solemnized this week. The couple came down from their homes near Laurel Dell Tuesday morning, procured the license and repaired to the Christian parsonage, where, with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ross and Verne Ross, parents and brother of the bride, and Eugene Voreis, brother of the groom, as witnesses, Elder U. S. Johnson pronounced them man and wife.
In the evening, a very felicitous reception was held in honor of the "newly-weds" at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ross, near Laurel Dell. Games and music were the features of the evening. The bridegroom and his brother, and the bride, rendered some very fine music on the violin, banjo-mandolin and organ. Miss Beth Dutcher gave some pleasing organ music, and a good selection of records on the phonograph filled in gaps in the conversation. Bountiful and delectable refreshments were served later. Mr. and Mrs. Voreis were the recipients of a number of beautiful and useful presents, which was a pleasant surprise of the evening. The assembled guests expressed sincere congratulations and good wishes to the young couple for a long and happy married life. Mr. and Mrs. Voreis are highly thought of for their many qualities, by their wide circle of friends.
The guests at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodward, Claude and Misses Blanche and Bernice Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. A Waldo, Misses May, Maude and Nona Waldo, Arthur Waldo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens, Percival Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Gann, Miss Mabel Richardson, Alvah Richardson, Mrs. Jane Voreis, Eugene Voreis, Vincent Ochsner, Edward and Frederick Wetstein, Mrs. Ida Dutcher, Misses Florence and Beth Dutcher, Oscar Dutcher, Mrs. Alice Doolittle, Ora and Cassie Doolittle, Verne Ross, and the bride and groom, for whom the affair was given.
Mr. and Mrs. Voreis will reside near Laurel Dell, where the groom is engaged in ranching.
A very pretty romance will, in the early part of June, culminate in the marriage of Miss Ora Harpin to Mr. Verne Ross.
Miss Harpin is a charming brunette and has many warm friends. Cupid surely had a long distance arrow when he drew those hearts together, as Mr. Ross is a Californian while Miss Harpin's home was in Rhode Island. What could be prettier than to have the East and West unite in our beautiful Southland, the adopted home of our young friends.
Their hopes are like the variecolored flowers of Florida and like the sun as we journey toward it casts the shadow of our burdens behind us. There is nothing too much for the young maid of man to put in their dreams. We all wish them the joy of seeing their hopes realized.
Miss Harpin has been extensively entertained the past few months. Mrs. Sparkman entertained in her honor with a party. Mrs. Geo W. Allen gave a kitchen shower and dance, and the bride to be received many pretty and useful articles. There was also a miscellaneous shower and dance given in her honor by Mrs. C. N. Hobbs. The gifts received will long delight her with their usefulness and beauty.
Refreshments were served on the large front veranda, the guests enjoying themselves until the wee small hours. Mrs. Hobbs was assisted by Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. Will Cooper, Mrs. Geo. Kitchen, Mrs. Amy Ross and Mrs. A. Voreis. Music was rendered by a string orchestra.
It is whispered that there are parties yet to come which will no doubt delight the younger set.
On Tuesday afternoon, the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Voreis, was a scene of a surprise shower for their eldest daughter. Miss Iris who is soon to become the bride of Ole Wogge (sic) of Oakland. There were 24 guests present and Miss Voreis received many beautiful and useful gifts from her friends. During the afternoon a comforter was tacked out.
The wedding date has been set for the end of this month. After happy congratulations and best wishes, delicious refreshments were served. The couple will make their home in Oakland.
Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Voreis of Scotts Valley were notified their son, Ross Shirley Voreis now a Sergeant, was injured in battle on Luzon. A letter written by the chaplain's assistant of the division, was received by the parents telling of the injury and fortunately a letter arrived in the same mail from their son.
The letter from the son, written with his left hand, stated he had been shot by a Jap sniper while on patrol duty. The bullet went through the arm and hit one of Shirley's buddies in the right shoulder.
Shirley has been awarded the Purple Heart and is sending it home. He also stated in his letter it was nice to receive the award but is (sic) really didn't compensate him for the pain he suffered. He assured his parents he was getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Voreis, who recently purchased the J. R. Martin place in the valley, are grateful the wound was not more serious.
S|Sgt. Shirley Voreis, who was in the South Pacific area for two and a half years and saw action in the Philippines, is now back home, a civilian. The young man was discharged from the service at Camp Beale about three weeks ago.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Voreis of Scotts Valley, met him in Oakland where they all were Thanksgiving guests of the Voreis' daughter, Mrs. Ole Waage, and family.
Voreis was in the service three years and holds the Purple Heart, other citations and campaign ribbons. He was also in Japan, from where he left for the United States.
Attending a reunion of the THOMAS ROSS family in Forestville recently were MR. and MRS. ARTHUR VOREIS of Scotts Valley. ROSS, a pioneer in the Sonoma County area, is the grandfather of MRS. VOREIS. Over 60 of the family were represented at the reunion dinner held at the Forestville Methodist Church. The VOREIS family accompanied MRS. BARBARA GEORGE who drove them to the reunion scene, and were guests at the home of MRS. VOREIS' cousins, MR. and MRS. C. VAN KEPPEL.