Abraham VOREIS, the father of our subject, was a native of Holland. He was born in the City of Amsterdam, in 1768, and like many of his sturdy countrymen, came to the shores of the New World to improve his fortune. He lived, at various times, in the counties of Preble and Butler, in the State of Ohio, and subsequently in Union County, Indiana, removing from the latter to Marshall County, In 1836, when the locality in which he settled was almost an unclaimed wilderness. He was a noble type of the pioneers by whom this county was settled - strong and brave, and not afraid of work. He died in 1855, respected by all who knew him.
David R., his son, was born July 27, in Preble County, Ohio, and accompanied his father’s family in their removal to Butler County, Ohio, Union County, Indiana, and finally to Marshall County, where he has since continued to reside. Two years after his arrival in this county (in 1838), he married Miss Mary A. LOGAN. This union, though a happy one, was brief, for, in 1841, his wife died, leaving two children, Oliver H. and Mary A. In 1842 he married Miss Sophia DICKSON, who shared with him the trials of pioneer life, and traveled life’s pathway with him, cheering him in the struggle with poverty, and rejoicing in his success, until she, too, was removed by death, in 1879. Seven children blessed this second union, and five still survive, viz: Joshua, Nancy J., Martha, David P., and Thomas M.
Mr. VOREIS bore his part bravely in the pioneer days, and labored earnestly to accumulate a competence for his support in the years when the infirmities of advancing age should render him incapable of performing active labor. He has succeeded in this, and having retired from work, still resides with his daughter upon the old homestead, whose broad acres were redeemed from the wilderness by his hand. Throughout a long residence in this county he has ever been recognized as an upright, honorable citizen, and in the public improvements of the county he has been an interested participant, contributing liberally to all public enterprises designed to promote its interests.