Cal Bern Kimes

Ross Family Reunion Held at Mirabel Park

A detailed description of who attended the reunion, and where they currently lived at the time of publication. People including and after Irwin Dick Ross in the article are unknown and not yet in this database. From Geneva Voreis' scrapbook.
Date: 0 0, 0

By Mrs. Vernon Doss
Staff Correspondent
Phone 2063

FORESTVILLE — Members of the Ross family of this area gathered at Mirabel Park for a weekend picnic in order to greet one of the older members of the family, Ed Ross, of San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Ross have been visiting with his brother and wife, Mrs. and Mrs. H. E. Ross, on Van Keppel Rd., and the affair gave a large number of relatives an opportunity to see their uncle and brother.

Present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Voreis and son Ross of Lakeport, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Waage of Oakland and their daughter, Genevieve, and their 3 sons, Mrs. Ross De Gregory and daughters, Susie and Jacke, of Oakland, Mrs. Blanche Kimes and Calvin Kimes and his 3 sons, Gary Walter and Calvin Jr., all of Santa Rosa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owen and children, Rickey, Kathy and Craig, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kimes of Skagg Springs, Mrs. O. Matteoli and daughter, Jeanne, of Cloverdale, Mrs. Cornelius Van Keppel, Mrs. Clara Van Keppel, Robert Van Keppel, Lonnie Hughes, Mrs. Jessie Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiebe and son, Nickie, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt D. Bockes and daughter, Karyn.

Mary B. Ward and the H. E. Rosses of Forestville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ross of San Diego, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ross and grandson of Richmond, Ernest Ross of Courtland, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Smith and Carol and Charles of Forestville, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and son of Sebastopol, Mrs. Sadie Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walter and daughter Linda, of Angwin, Mrs. Amanda Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Davis of Ross Station Rd., Mrs. F. P. Abshire of Geyserville, Irwin Dick Ross of Forestville, Mrs. Violet Looney of Sonoma and Mrs. Mamie Fish of Petaluma.